Candice Chirwa is a menstruation activist, author, professional speaker and radio host for CAPS Radio, an online radio station that promotes education, teaching and learning through social engagement. She is known to many as Minister of Menstruation because of her activism.
Like many African countries, South Africa faces a lot of social challenges that cannot all be addressed by government. Game changers like Candice take it upon themselves to make change.
Chirwa holds a Masters degree in International Relations from the University of Witwatersrand, her thesis focused on menstruation, but not only did she embark on this journey to obtain her qualification but to make great change. This led to workshops held in 10 different schools in Johannesburg reaching to over 300 pupils.
“My Masters was in International Relations. So I did my thesis on Menstrual Health Management and the obligations states have in fulfilling the right to ensure that girls and women can still go about their daily lives during that time of the month.” Candice told Blazonmagazine.
According to Candice, she didn’t want the workshops to be where herself and the other facilitators went in and imposed their views on the students. Instead, she wanted young people to learn to navigate how the workshops are run. Through the workshops, participants discover that most of the stigma around menstruation for students comes from their parents. That’s why she plans to expand the project to include parents in the future.
Free education is not all that Candice and her team provides to participants during workshops; the students also get awarded for taking part in each initiative. “We have a Period Pledge where the students intend to fight the stigma around menstruation. We also have a Period Walk, where the participants confidently walk around whilst waving period products (tampons and pads) around and then later get awarded with a certificate.”
Although Chirwa has no relationship with ALWAYS, she told this publication that it would be great to have a collaboration with the company in the future.