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Lucille Gumbi – The Strategist

Tebello Mofokeng

Business Strategist, Lucille Gumbi (36) is on her way to becoming one of the most extraordinary entrepreneurs of note. With over 10 years of full-time experience as an entrepreneur under her belt, Gumbi is at the pinnacle of her career as a business strategist. But she admits that being a businesswomaoften comes at a hefty price.

“Being a female entrepreneur anywhere in the world is hard, but if you understand what you are doing and what your objectives are, you just go out there and get the job done as a businessperson.”

Holding a high position or being a business woman can often have a negative connotation attached to it by society. But Gumbi says conducting business should have nothing to do with gender.

“It should never be about being a woman or a man. Your abilities may not be the same, but you walk into it and put across the same level of understanding and people will give you work based on that.”

Her business endeavors are guided primarily by aligning various factors of a viable business including sales, cash stability and continuous bookkeeping amongst others. These factors are of paramount importance in-order run a thriving business. 

Her journey as a business woman has set her apart from her peers, as she has ventured into numerous business endeavors. Her current involvement with Nefertiti Holdings as a founder and head of strategy; alongside her joined venture with PJS Global aims to shift the course of her business aspirations predominantly towards  consulting, project management and project facilitation. 

Gumbi is currently managing only one artist and is not planning on taking more artists after downscaling of event and artist management activities of Nefertiti Holdings.

Above and beyond her role as a business strategist she is involved with the Kingdom Business Network as a mentor and judge of approximately three hundred young entrepreneurs. 

Their main objective in this role is to equip these future entrepreneurs with crucial skills based on biblical principles.

Gumbi wants women from all walks of life to have confidence in themselves and their work. 

“Don’t doubt yourself, go out there and give it your all. You will fall nine times, get up ten times. A lot of women doubt themselves, they want to stick to societal ideas that a woman is supposed to be in the background of what man does.”

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